October 11, 2020

The Clermont Garden Club’s pick for October 2020 yard of the month is 12128 Lake Shore Drive,
The homeowners continually add to their garden annuals and perennials for color and bloom and unusual plants and shrubs, The house, paver patio, and driveway are framed by juniper, lorapedlum, indian hawthorn, Asian jasmine, sky pencil shrubs, and topiary boxwoods. Colorful plantings of crotons, snow on the mountain, variegated lily grasses, as well as plumbago, shrimp plants, iris’s, camellias, firecracker’s agapanthus’s, assorted succulents and many, many more are planted around the home. There are several rare trees and bushes in the backyard such as the rainbow eucalyptus tree and cryptomeria shrubs.
Thanks you for sharing such a beautiful and ever-changing landscape.
For information about the Clermont Garden Club go to: hhtp://ClermontGardenClub.com.
Carol Walker
Publicity Chairperson