The Clermont Garden Club’s choice for September Yard of the Month is 213 Compass Rose Drive, Groveland, Florida.
This lovely home and yard belongs to Carol Walker, one of our very own club members. Carol has mixed colorful foliage and flowering plants in beds that wrap around every side of her home. The colorful foliage plants include Hawaiian Ti, Copper plant, Caladiums, Coleus, Crotons, Oyster plants, Variegated shell ginger, and Bromeliads, to name a few. She has mixed flowering plants such as Ixora, Bird of Paradise, Vinca, Marigold, and Hibiscus, as well as texture plants like Ferns, Spider plants, Papyrus, Ilex, and Robeline palms. The beds are a beautiful mix of colors framed against the light grey of her home.
Thank you Carol for sharing your hard work with us! For information about the Clermont Garden Club please go to https://clermontgardenclub.org.