Clermont Garden Club’s first general meeting on September 19, 2018 was a great success. The featured speaker was Fred Sommer owner of Sommer Gardens, a home grown Florida Licensed Nursery that specializes in hybrid Brugmansia (Angel Trumpets).
Clermont Garden Club was fortunate to have Fred Sommer share his expertise on growing and hybridizing Brugmansia after a 30+ year hiatus from speaking to garden lovers. Fred flooded the audience with beautiful Brugmansia pictures and information about his 120 named varieties of Brugmansia. Fred has an aggressive hybridizing program with over 8000 unique Brugmansia seedlings currently being grown for evaluation. Fred is the great hybridizer spending hours and hours hybridizing Brugmansia.
Fred explained that all parts of Brugmansia are potentially poisonous, with the leaves and seeds being especially dangerous.
Fred gifted Clermont Garden Club with the Brugmansia, ‘Ann Dupree ‘ named for Civic Leader Ann Dupree, a long time advocate for Clermont, City Councilwoman, owner of South Lake Press, 1st woman inducted into the Kiwanis Hall of Fame, and worked tirelessly to improve the quality of life for everyone. Clermont Garden Club was honored to receive the Brugmansia, ‘Ann Dupree.’
Clermont Garden Club members and guests were pleased to receive Brugmansia, ‘Shirley Temple ‘ and seedlings as a take home gift.
Thanks Fred for a terrific beginning to Clermont Garden Club’s 2018 -2019 year.
The best method to contact Fred Sommer is his email, FredS@SommerGardens.com